Monday, January 20, 2014

Where's my faith as small as a mustard seed???

I can't help but be honest...I am a little scared about the adoption.  I am NOT scared about the trials and the rough road we know is ahead, and I am NOT scared at all about getting our child and bringing them here!  This will be his/her home and always will be.  What I suppose I am scared of is actually submitting the application to the place we want to work through.  We have a place here in KY we are working through to get our home study done.  But for the actual adoption process, we have thus far found comfort and peace at only one place. But...they're the most expensive place.  My little angel on my shoulder tells me God will provide every red cent for this adoption and to go ahead and send in the application, as they only work with a certain number of clients at a space is limited.  But the other little guy on my other shoulder is whispering, "But what if you don't have the $ in time and cannot accept a profile given to you?"  This place will usually place within a short time frame, some as soon as 6 weeks, but usually no longer than 3-6 months. THIS should be the most exciting part of this story so far!!!  That our baby could be here in the matter of MONTHS!!!!!!!  not YEARS!!!!  But.  I know how much we have to raise and without taking on further debt for this, my stomach just knots thinking that the funds will not be there when it's time.  But an even further and deeper sickening feeling is knowing without a shred of doubt that our little baby is out there, somewhere, and I feel like I haven't done anything yet to get it here.  I suppose that once we are actually with an agency, I will feel as though we are definitely working towards what we need to be.  
I know I'm rambling!  I am most definitely confused on what TO do and what NOT to do.  Just pray for us that God will show us the way...I know He will!  

Many Blessings!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

$1 Closer to our baby!!!!

The biggest stress and worry we have so far is of course, the money, for the adoption.  Just today, I was explaining to some of my family how much we could potentially be looking at for the adoption and just how stressed I was about it.  I know God is somehow going to work this thing out for us, but I'm just not sure how. But I suppose that's not for me to know now, is it???!!!!
Later we picked up Mallory from my mom's house and when we arrived home, she picked up a $1 bill and very excitedly handed it to me.  She said, "Mom!!! Look!!! Here's another dollar for our baby!!!" How simple her beautiful little mind works!  If only I had half of that.....
Yes, we are now $1 closer to bringing our baby home!  

Many Blessings!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Still trying to make it to that $3,000 mark!  We have until February 14 to make it to that amount!  We learned on Wednesday that this could potentially be quite a bit more than what we originally thought, now that we are switching gears on where we are adopting from.  We were looking internationally, and thinking a 2-4 year old girl or boy.  But an opportunity presented itself through amazing people in our lives on tuesday that would be domestic and a newborn girl or boy!  God's funny like that ;) We finally felt an amazing peace about where we should be and which direction we should be heading!  But this could mean even more help getting there!  If you can give anything at all, we are more than appreciative of every red cent! Just click the link above and it will take you straight there! BUT.  If you can't?  Please!  Just pray!  Those prayers are mighty coveted for this little family!  Thank you so much to everyone that has already given and everyone who has been praying!  

Many Blessings!


Monday, January 13, 2014

First Fundraiser!

We have a fundraiser that we just started that will really help us get this adoption process started!  If there is any help that you can give, even one cent, it is greatly appreciated by this little family!  I will attach the link!  Thank you in advance to everyone for everything!!!!

Many Blessings!


BUMC Youth!

Until God brings our baby home, we have lots of other kiddos to help watch out for....BUMC Youth! We are blessed!


Please be in prayer for our family as we begin really talking with an adoption consultant agency.  Today, through an amazing soul God placed in our path, both Bruce and I were given the first real "peace" about who to start the process with.  Please pray for us, that this is our first glimpse at our new addition!  Thank you God, for our many blessings and the people you have placed in our lives!  

Many Blessings!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

13 Years In The Making!!!

13 Years ago today, Bruce asked me out.  Technically, he said, "Are we going to go out, or what?" LOL.  It's so amazing to me to see how far we have come in all these years.  We have had our fair share of ups and downs, and many disappointments along the way.  But more importantly, we have had so many moments where we can feel God just showering us with His blessings and grace!  We know that without God, this little family just wouldn't be able to stand together.  But He's here; He's the center of this family of three, and God willing, soon to be 4!  We just can't wait to see where He leads us as a family and with the adoption!  We feel His blessings already!  Happy 13 years with me, Bruce!  I know they must be your finest...HAHA!!!!

Many Blessings!!!